Spotlight on Lawyer Well-being

Winslow Workplace Advisors is unique in providing lawyer well-being training grounded in the realities of the practice of law. Leveraging her extensive experience in private practice at a national firm, Joan Parsons Ziady provides specific, relevant insight to lawyers seeking to improve their well-being and work/life balance.

Read more about Joan’s signature session on lawyer well-being for law firm associates:

To be a successful lawyer, you have to be a healthy lawyer. Research shows a direct correlation between the top competencies required to practice law - including the ability to focus intensely and communicate clearly - and well-being.

In this session we will start by examining several key questions:

  • What is well-being and why is it important?

  • How do the pressures commonly experienced by lawyers negatively impact their well-being?

After exploring the challenges we’ll turn to solutions. Our discussion will be guided by common pressure points, and the strategies offered for improving well-being will be anchored in the realities of day-to-day practice.

Attendees will:

  • Learn how to assess and improve their well-being

  • Understand how the power of connection with others - including mentors - is a well-being game changer

  • Identify strategies for how to be an effective mentee

Address Your Stress:

How to Prioritize and Practice Lawyer Well-being